Essence of the Horse

our sacred relationship.

If we take the time to notice & listen,

what might we hear?

Horses embody a wealth of mystery.

Even as one reaches the subtlest layers with themselves, there seem to be an infinite amount of subtly that horses live within that we can discover and entrain with.

My curiosity peeks here, and I ask..

What are the possibilities of a human as we are guided into the heart resonant space by the quietude of the horse in the present moment?

What ripples throughout the world as humans create a space for their hearts to guide them as we once did so many years ago?

What does the aliveness of Nature truly feel like with the Heart that has broken open, over and over, with grief and joy, in constant living play?

What is the world that the horse, and other animal experience, as they move about in the present moment?


All we encounter is Alive.

Horses are not a tool, or stock, or a representation or reflection of something.

They are sovereign creatures, as are we.

If they agree to the work you ask of them, they can be a guide.

Their sentience must be regarded to work with them.

They can shine a light within your human vessel, and give you the tools to create the being you want to be. Our right relationship with them can create a path for innate, biological human evolution. There is a split occurring, among many others, but two main ones are being determined by every mind on the planet:

Those who see Nature as a supreme intelligence, and hold no other above, encouraging belief of themselves and a divine connection with the surrounding and worldly ecosystems.

And those that continue to move along a manmade trajectory of intelligence through mechanical means and inventions for living well or improvement.

This is the split of embodiment.

You get to decide how this living journey is from this step forward, and each step thereafter, as new moments of conscious creation. The discovery of oneself is beyond words, no label can direct its course or encapsulate it. When true inner freedom is accessed it may not look or feel like what you imagined. There will most likely be pain, and deep enmeshed grief, that when transformed, has the ability of manifesting beauty everywhere in the present moment, and allow an expansion that can create new worlds.

Creating beauty is the world of the horse.

   how do we see horses?   

and what IMPORTANCE does adjusting our CONDITIONED MIND & WAYS to the HORSE hold?

Another strong key point to the horse-human relationship is seeing them for who they are to the best of our ability, and consistently refining that to deepen a shared language and deconstructing the previous ways we went about interacting with them. This involves taking a deeper look at our actions and intentions, which takes a radical honesty to fully bring to the surface.

When we work with horses we must remember, their hind end is their power source - if your desire is to work with the Essence of the Horse, I recommend to keep the engagement in their hind quarters, and so throughout their body. What is a horse without their power?? You might as well try riding or working with a goat if you are not at a place to honor a horse’s innate characteristic of power and strength. This power, which has spoken to humans throughout the centuries, is why we have cultivated relationship with equines. Horses give us an idea of what being superhuman might feel like. They increase our sense of feeling capable and vital. They naturally developed as animals with qualities of strength and resiliency, and were bred for tasks that were too much for a human to do on their own, hence the term, horse power. If a safety issue were to arrive in the moment with your horse, then disengagement might do the trick to reground, although there are other ways.

The practice to keep the hind end engaged at all times and at all paces, whether on the ground or riding, may be more challenging and nuanced to conduct, although it ends up being increasingly rewarding. Hind end engagement paired with a relaxed state in the horse’s and your nervous system is a unique and reciprocal and healthy dynamic for equine and equestrian. This way a horse is still Free and embodying their Fullness of Spirit, while engaging in an active partnership with the rider. Otherwise, the human role is geared towards slavery mentality of domination, control, or ownership. It is a horse’s birthright to be free.

Asking, not telling, or any other imposing, bullying conditioned patterns…. another way to reconstruct a healthy partnership with horses.

Without their expansive heart resonance, horses would not be able to embody the dynamic paradox of pacifying softness and ultimate power.

This is how they communicate in herds. By listening or feeling the different movements of each others hearts. They can communicate scenarios, needed movements, warnings, etc to one another without using their voice or anything that will draw attention to their presence. When they enter a Theta wave state of rest and repair, their hearts give off a unified field, which all benefit from. You often feel lighter or more at peace after entwining yourself in a herd of horses resting in the present moment together.


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Sacred Skull Sculptures


Somatic Embodiment | Reiki